Private health insurance
Private health insurance
In contrast to statutory health insurance, private health insurance companies have to calculate and are therefore always concerned with the cost-benefit ratio of a service. The MED+MODULE of MED+MOBIL can significantly optimize this calculation and should therefore be incorporated into the performance principle of private health insurance, in which private medical liquidation, outpatient spa treatment and alternative practitioner services are already paid for.
Notarial declarations in lieu of an oath
Private health insurance
Private health insurance
In contrast to statutory health insurance, private health insurance companies have to calculate and are therefore always concerned with the cost-benefit ratio of a service. The MED+MODULE of MED+MOBIL can significantly optimize this calculation and should therefore be incorporated into the performance principle of private health insurance, in which private medical liquidation, outpatient spa treatment and alternative practitioner services are already paid for.
Notarial declarations in lieu of an oath
Private supplementary insurance
Private supplementary insurance
Private supplementary insurance is a service that is offered to those with statutory health insurance in order to offer them a supplement to the rather weak basic insurance. Here they could MED+MODULE of MED+MOBIL also provide valuable services.
Notarial declarations in lieu of an oath
Private supplementary insurance
Private supplementary insurance
Private supplementary insurance is a service that is offered to those with statutory health insurance in order to offer them a supplement to the rather weak basic insurance. Here they could MED+MODULE of MED+MOBIL also provide valuable services.
Notarial declarations in lieu of an oath
Business insurance
Business insurance
The health insurance policies that large companies afford are often undervalued, but they were created from a basic entrepreneurial idea. An employee who is in good health is more valuable to the company than one who is sick. This principle could be used with the MED+MODULES of MED+MOBIL be optimized. Since company health management (BGM) often exists here, the responsible employees should also be interested in such a solution.
Notarial declarations in lieu of an oath
Business insurance
Business insurance
The health insurance policies that large companies afford are often undervalued, but they were created from a basic entrepreneurial idea. An employee who is in good health is more valuable to the company than one who is sick. This principle could be used with the MED+MODULES of MED+MOBIL be optimized. Since company health management (BGM) often exists here, the responsible employees should also be interested in such a solution.
Notarial declarations in lieu of an oath