We are the right company for your needs.
Clear and simple structures are an indicator of the success and prospects of a company, which is why we are constantly working on optimizing them.
Our headquarters are in the beautiful area Bodensee.
Our MED+COMMISSIONER are initially concentrated on Germany and Switzerland + Liechtenstein. Soon Austria will also be able to enjoy ours MED+MODULE come, because who A says must too B say. In the future it will be called DACHLI. And this is where ours work MED+COMMISSIONER.
Absolutely everyone MED+INTERESTED and MED+USER You are warmly invited to have your own experiences and not keep them to yourself. A good CRM helps to protect the networks and connections for everyone, because relationships only harm those who don't have them. Please click here.

I came to this like a virgin to a child. As a former competitive athlete in the discipline of ski jumping, I have to say today that it always went too far. I either stood the jump and won, or fell and lost, but always got back up.
But the result was 40 years of pain all over my body because I lived in Rastbüchl/Bay. Wald tried to land head first at 70 m, around 100 km/h. Normally you don't survive that. So I lay in the run and was poked everywhere to test my reflexes. I didn't have anything up to my neck, so I was paralyzed. My wife Maximiliane therefore learned to massage professionally in order to make my life bearable.
But the result was 40 years of pain all over my body because I lived in Rastbüchl/Bay. Wald tried to land head first at 70 m, around 100 km/h. Normally you don't survive that. So I lay in the run and was poked everywhere to test my reflexes. I didn't have anything up to my neck, so I was paralyzed. My wife Maximiliane therefore learned to massage professionally in order to make my life bearable.

But the result was 40 years of pain all over my body, since I was last in Rastbüchl/Bay. Wald (see picture) tried to land head first at 70 m, approx. 100 km/h. Normally you don't survive that. So I lay in the run and was poked everywhere to test my reflexes. I didn't have anything up to my neck, so I was temporarily paralyzed. After 3/4 hours with my neck in the snow because the ambulance took so long, I had feeling again. My dear wife Maximiliane (pictured above) learned to massage professionally to make my life bearable.
Our history
I made it over. >>> to the GDR… and had millions in oncoming traffic.
After a guest appearance in the political power centers, I became head of the special commission for the development of the spa and spa system in what was then the FNL. (Five New Lands).
I organized it together with the then president https://www.pratzel.de/ of the World Baths Association Prof. Dr. Dr. Pratzel, (ISMH) https://www.ismh.org/ a double-blind study to demonstrate the healing effectiveness of radon water against the indications of osteoarthritis and rheumatism. As a result, a place called Schlema, previously known as a uranium mining area, became a profitable spa resort. https://www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de/uran-erzgebirge-kosten-100.html
My wife learned professional massage techniques to make my life more bearable after the many sports accidents.
By chance I learned about Dr. Nikola Tesla, Dr. Georges Lakhovsky, high frequency etc. and could not resist having these technologies transformed into the 21st century and offered to people for use.
In November 2022 I received the information that the HUAWEI Watch D, with proof of certification as a medical product, could now be offered. Combined with software that specifically uses the body temperature sensor of this smart watch, ours is now being created in the short term INFEKTIONS+WARN+SYSTEM IWS. This comes with a special INFEKTIONS+WARN+AMPEL combined and can thus be used in the future in e.g. B. can be used in schools, kindergartens, hospitals, companies and sporting events.
From mid-2023 we will have our own MOBIL+MED+ACADEMY found and build up step by step. After all, we are mobile and want to stay that way for a long time!
Our heroes
of people and does not contain fake news or even deep fake.